Yılmaz Defense Industry

IML 240


Loading Machine

This machine produces ammunition by inserting gunpowder to the 5.56 – 7.62 – 9 and 12.7 cartridge cases and bullets of these calibers.The bench is divided into stations in the rotary system. The bench performs the following operations at the stations, respectively.
  • Case feeding and case presence control
  • Case mouth circularity check
  • Gunpowder dosing and gunpowder filling into the cartridge case
  • Gunpowder presence control
  • Bullet feeding
  • Bullet inserting in the case
  • Separating cartridges without bullets
  • Cartridge size adjustment
  • Tightening
  • Cartridge size control
  • Cartridge full form control
  • Weight control
If there are cases on the bench that cannot pass the control in the relevant parts, the system will automatically separate the relevant case. This process will take place without causing a stoppage in the machine.




200 pcs / min.

Avg. Electricty Consumption

14 kW

Installed Electrical Power

16 kW

Compressed Air Consumption

6 - 7 Bar 5 dm³(Nl) / Minute (Free From Oil and Dust)

Noise Level

Maximum 85 decibels (according to ISO EN 11688-1)

Output Product Formats

5,56 - 7,62 mm Cases with Primers

Facility Field Conditions

Dust Free And Maximum 70% Relative Humidity

Labor Requirement

1 Operator / Shift

Lubrication System

Automatic Lubrication System

Feeding System

Rotary Tray Sorter and Volumetric Filling System (for Gunpowder)